Month: June 2015

Cheat sheet: Watching your Disks

If you built your own NAS with a PC, a Linux OS and some disks, you will need to monitor the health of your hard drives. Wouldn’t it be nice to know by advance if a hard disk will fail? Being proactive is essential here. And it also works if you only have a Linux workstation… For this, we will use the smartmontools …

Cheat sheet: How to create a bootable USB key on Mac OS X for Ubuntu / Debian

Open a terminal. BEFORE inserting the USB key, check which disks are available:

You should see one or more disks installed on your system like this:

Insert the USB key. Do a “diskutil list” again. You should see one more disk. This is your USB key. Let’s assume it is /dev/disk2. First we need to convert the ISO file to …